
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

1 megabit per second to 2 megabit per second

I've just finished calling TM Net on the phone and talking to the operators there.

TM Net's current project that is not released in the press (first hand information)
TM Net Streamyx subscribers located in Cyberjaya and Putrajaya will suffer some downtime as TM Net is upgrading their 1MBps line to a 2MBps line.

This picture is taken from an ARTNET ADSL MODEM

It is about 11.56 now and there is one more that is coming up!

This is taken from TM Net's own bandwidth test. On a 1MBps line, that kind of speed is impossible. I'm sure that there's constant upgarding in the server.

To those who are using TM Net Streamyx now, you're in luck. You might need to subscribe to it or request for the upgrade in the near future. My prediction is that TM Net will leave it at the same price (RM88 per month) for that particular 2MBps line.


Lucas Chong said...

one word: scam...

Andrew Lim said...

nope... don't think so... i'm connected to a 2MBps line... constantly, even after i restart...

Lucas Chong said...

cause they cappped wrongly? might be a possibility lah

Andrew Lim said...

possible... but according to the operator that i talked to, they're testing 2mpbs line for home users in cyberjaya and putrajaya... i sure hope that we get that... maybe because i've turned on my system 24/7 and massive data transfer... then they might say... let's test out this guy... see how much he can use...

Lucas Chong said...

puhplease....hahaha..."let's test out this guy" hahaha...good sentence you have there. LoL...jk! peace.

Andrew Lim said...

haha... i might be possible... you won't know anything about their stuffs... we ain't their staffs... so... might be possible... and to tell you more about it... it is going to be possible... 1mbps to 2mbps... my collage mate in jelapang, he's using a 512kbps... yesterday... he's connected to it through a 1mpbs line... coincidence? i don't think so...